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Anunnaki Legacy

Gary Margrove

Anunnaki Legacy

This third book in the Annunaki series defines conditions on Earth during the hundreds of thousands of years our gods ruled the planet. The Anunnaki ruled Africa, the Middle East and the Americas. There is plentiful evidence that demonstrates ancient Egyptians visited Australasia and North America. Ancient Egyptians worshipped the crocodile and the Vedic scriptures speak of the Naga, snake people. Many intelligent species lived on Earth in those days. Some are still with us today. A Reptilian race that despises the human race is hidden in plain sight. Intelligent lizards even hold covert positions of power in Governments and are responsible for the Industrial Military Complex and the Secret Space Program. Tales of Mothmen and shapeshifters are unfortunately true. The Earth has suffered numerous catastrophes in the past and ancient civilizations were utterly destroyed. With help from the Atlanteans and Hyperboreans humans gradually restored their cities and trade routes. Mentioned in the Old Testament is Joseph, priest and Grand Vizier of Egypt but which Egypt? Evidence of long term habitation can be found in the Grand Canyon and throughout the United States. Who are the mysterious Archons mentioned by the Gnostics and how have they hijacked our holographic reality? Answers in this and the next book in the series, World in Chaos.

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