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Law of Attraction: The Secret Power of The Universe (How to Visualize & Meditate for Manifesting Love, Money, Happiness & Success)

Jenny Loveless

Law of Attraction: The Secret Power of The Universe (How to Visualize & Meditate for Manifesting Love, Money, Happiness & Success)

Since Rhonda Byrne's “The Secret” came out, people all over the world have been changing their lives for the better. At the same time, many people are trying to change their lives, but just can’t seem to figure out The Law of Attraction well enough to make it happen. Why is this? Why is it so easy for some and not others? When author Jenny Loveless began to dig deeper into this question, she found that most of the information out there is based on science and scientifically backed “theories". That’s great. It’s definitely information we need to know, however, we need to know how to take this information and apply it to our own lives. How do we really know if we’re doing it right? Where’s all the in-between information?
This is where The Secret Power of The Universe comes in. Just like we see with adolescents in school, everyone learns in a different manner. An explanation that is very easy for one person to understand, can be very difficult for another. Some people are more “hands on” learners. But how do you do teach that way in a book? Ms. Loveless has found that by getting down on a more intimate level in her explanations has helped immensely in her teachings of the LOA. By using real life personal examples, explained in a very specific manner, along with detailed psychology of The Law of Attraction, Ms. Loveless has been able to better teach others how to use The Law of Attraction for themselves so that they are bringing about real life actual results!

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