The Bee Book for Beginners: An Apiculture Starter or How to Be a Backyard Beekeeper and Harvest Honey from Your Own Bee Hives
Frank Randall

If you have a taste for honey or an adventurous side, maybe you have thought of becoming a beekeeper. What would you really be in for, though? Is it really a job or is it a fun way to get your own honey? Well, it's really both. Being a beekeeper is a lot of work, but it also has a lot of benefits. Anyone can do it, as long as they are prepared. You can't just wake up one day, decide to be a beekeeper and start immediately! You have to know what you are doing - and that's why I have written this book. Within its pages, you'll discover the tools you need to be a beekeeper, what to expect from your hive, how to harvest your honey, and how to protect the hive from various problems and invaders. I'll teach you what types of bees are best to keep, the jobs of each bee in the hive, how to choose and position your hives, and more. When I started keeping bees, I spent a lot of time and money on a lot of books before I was sure that apiculture was going to be right for me. This easy to read beginner's book summarizes the essential information I have learned over the years, and will help you decide if beekeeping could be part of your life.